The Hartford Senior Center is a complete facility for all of the activities of senior citizens in the Hartford area. The center was a long time dream, and is now a reality, thanks to a dedicated group of seniors.
The center became a reality in a large part because of a donation of approximately 2.5 acres of prime land adjacent to Rossman School by Mr. and Mrs. John Novak, members of Senior Friends, and through the fund raising effort of our membership, which raised a substantial amount of money toward the building project.
The center is owned by Senior Friends, Inc. (a not-for-profit organization) and is operated by volunteers and some paid personnel. Many activities and services are offered at the center. We are a membership organization. Some events are open to the public, most are for members only. Call the center for details.
The building is approximately 10,000 square feet, constructed from decorative masonry block and wood, with provisions for future expansion. It is available to all of our seniors and other groups for various activities, such as weddings, anniversaries, Christmas, birthday or other parties.
The main floor is furnished with tables and chairs which seat up to 350 people comfortably. The kitchen is equipped to handle all cooking requirements for our members only. Special rooms are available for private card games, classes in a variety of arts and crafts, exercise and fitness, and meetings. This facility is a model of expert planning and forethought, and Hartford can be proud that it was built as a concerted effort of many willing and hard working members who had dedicated themselves to see it finally come to fruition.
There are noon meals served on Tuesdays and Thursdays (reservations must be made by Noon the day before), a variety of health and exercise programs, a place for social interaction, plus many programs that Seniors enjoy are all available for improving the well-being and health of our seniors.
For further information on the many ways that you can be of help, whether by donating and/or volunteering to help make this project an outstanding success, please feel free to call Senior Friends, Inc. of Hartford at 262-673-4005.